Category: Branding & Market Views

Blog / Branding & Market Views

The world’s best leaders, delivery drones and other interesting business stories of the week

Who are the world’s best leaders?  The greatest leaders are the ones who run organizations that truly care for their employees’ and customers’ health, happiness, and wellbeing.  -- Fortune Amazon Hammers FAA For Lack Of 'Impetus' Over Drone Policy. is not pleased with the pace by which the Federal...

Blog / Branding & Market Views

Apple’s values, March Madness and this week’s other interesting business stories

Apple’s Future.  Tim Cook says everything at Apple can change except values--Fast Company         GM Ditching Russia.  Political turmoil in Russia, combined with a weak economy and lower-than-expected sales, convinced General Motors that it isn’t worth sinking more money into the once-promising market.—Forbes     March Madness...

Blog / Branding & Market Views

5 ways to segment customers

Customer segmentation is a successful marketing tool when implemented correctly. Selecting segments and placing your customers must be done with precision. Here are 5 ways to tackle this vital task: 1. Demographics.  Divide your customers into demographic groups. Consumers primarily purchase product based on needs and wants that are related...

Blog / Branding & Market Views

Zuckerberg’s hiring secrets and this week’s other top business stories

Mark Zuckerberg Shares His Secret to Recruiting the Best Employees – Inc. Magazine Facebook founder and CEO reveals the simple but counterintuitive rule of thumb he uses to keep the right candidates from slipping through his filter. Larger iPad Reportedly Coming in 2nd Quarter – Wall Street Journal Apple Suppliers...

Blog / Branding & Market Views

Great Ways to Discover Employee Strengths

What are the most important characteristics of your next star employee?  I’d suggest there are three:  trustworthiness, essential competency, and perhaps the most important characteristic, passion (for life, for people, for your work, for every breath). With these characteristics in mind, check out the following tools to discover and analyze...

Blog / Branding & Market Views

Fundamental truths of success and other top business stories of the week

1. 10 Fundamental Truths about Success We Forget Too Easily -- Forbes It’s surprising how easy it is to lose sight of the important things in life. Busy schedules and weekly routines have a tendency to put the brain on autopilot. Some of life’s essential truths need repeating.  Here you...

Blog / Branding & Market Views

The 15 most important things you need to know about your customers.

What are the most important things you should know about your customers? You should know what they are most frustrated about. And what they’re trying to achieve. You should know where they hang out online. What else? Create your own list, but first read our list of 15 things you...

Blog / Branding & Market Views

The 10 Best Super Bowl Ads of All Time

Watching what most analysts saw as a relatively weak field of  Super Bowl ads in 2015 left us yearning for a look at the great ads from years past. What have been the best Super Bowl ads of all time? You’d get a lot of different opinions on that question. But...

Blog / Branding & Market Views

Questions you should ask about your marketing efforts

Instead of making decisions based on feelings or shooting in the dark, marketers need to use metrics and data. Data provides information you need to make adjustments in your marketing program, and can demonstrate to the organization the value of your efforts and specific campaigns. As you develop measurement tools,...

Blog / Branding & Market Views

Are you trending? How to improve social media effectiveness

Social media is exploding as a way to build a community of followers and share your message with them in an efficient and cost-effective manner. How do you evaluate which social media platforms are working for you? How do you prioritize your time? It’s a big topic, but here are...


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