Zuckerberg’s hiring secrets and this week’s other top business stories

ZuckerbergMark Zuckerberg Shares His Secret to Recruiting the Best Employees – Inc. Magazine

Facebook founder and CEO reveals the simple but counterintuitive rule of thumb he uses to keep the right candidates from slipping through his filter.

Woman with Apple iPad AirLarger iPad Reportedly Coming in 2nd Quarter – Wall Street Journal

Apple Suppliers have been told to produce larger-screen iPad.  Production of the bigger tablet was originally planned for first quarter.  Word is USB ports are being considered.

 moneyThe 1% Makes 19% Of All Income, Pays 49% Of All Taxes – Forbes

Congress’s Joint Tax Committee says the top 1% pays 49% of all income taxes. The report also reveals that for 2015, the top 10% (in terms of income) of all tax returns collect 45% of all income.

 McDonaldsMcDonald’s To End Use Of Antibiotics In Chicken, (But Not Other Meat Yet) — Fast Company

A good—but small—step on the path toward selling food that isn’t really bad for you.



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