Category: Branding & Market Views

Blog / Branding & Market Views

The Top 15 Iconic Marketing Campaigns in History

The Top 15 Iconic Marketing Campaigns in History Every day, companies and causes of all types and sizes try to get your attention and to persuade you to buy their products, embrace a category, shift your impression of their company, support their cause, or vote for their candidate. Over the...

Branding & Market Views

15 Successes Who Started in Failure 

Failure can be (and often is) the first step to success. Skeptical?  Here are 15 examples of how extremely successful people got off to terribly bad starts. Bill Gates Bill Gates is now one of the world’s wealthiest individuals, but he didn’t earn his fortune in a straight line to success....

Blog / Branding & Market Views

The 15 Friendliest Companies in America

We’ve asked around to find the companies with the best customer service, focus, and relationships. There are many companies that do it well, and just as many that don’t get it.  Here’s our list of the best. Amazon, the world’s largest online retailer, has the highest customer service satisfaction...

Blog / Branding & Market Views

25 reasons Spring is a great time of the year.

Business renaissance. If you’re in a seasonal business that benefits from warmth, like landscaping or outdoor dining, it’s time to roll! Temperatures are moderate. Spring marks the end of frigid winter and the transitional period to scorching summer. The earth's axis is angled between its closest and furthest position from the...

Branding & Market Views

Does vision ever take a day off? The importance of share values and vision

Does vision within an organization need to be tempered, does the role of vision ever stop or slow? Does forever need to reach into the future and push the envelope out of the current state? I believe continued, ever-expanding vision is critical if an organization is to create sustainable growth. To understand the...

Branding & Market Views

What are your New Year’s resolutions?

Do you make New Year’s resolutions? It’s a long tradition that doesn't’ seem to be losing steam.  Here are the top-10 New Year's resolutions from a recent survey of 2,000 people conducted for Inc. magazine: Diet or eat healthier (71%) Exercise more (65%) Lose weight (54%) Save more and spend...

Blog / Branding & Market Views

10 Business Decisions that Influenced the Future  

We've found 10 examples from the last 75 years when individuals, companies or groups saw a need and took dramatic action, often creating something historic out of nothing--advancing not only single invention or program, but also the business principles that influenced not only that time, but today and our future. Here they are:...

Blog / Branding & Market Views

4 Dimensional Trust in an Age of Change

When you or your company or group seek to operate in a change environment, or if you are going into a time of change, the highest priority will be to create and rely on embedded, earned trust. And in times of change, the last thing you need to experience as an...

Branding & Market Views

7 reasons people buy

Since money isn’t easy to come by, what makes us part with it?  And if we decide to make a purchase of any kind, why do we choose one product or service over another?  There are mountains of research on these questions, but since you may have even less time...

Blog / Branding & Market Views

15 tips for successfully reaching “unreachables”

It’s only natural for us to want to market our products or services to everyone, in hopes of capturing a larger audience. But every business has some “unreachables” who seem unsuited for or resistant to your overtures.  Now, some of these people are placed in that category for a good...


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