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Branding & Market Views

The World’s Best Corporate Websites

A company’s website is often the first point of contact with the world, yet many corporations have been behind the curve when it comes to their web presence. Bowen Craggs & Co., a London-based corporate communication consultancy, has published a critique of the websites of the world’s 200 largest companies,...

Branding & Market Views

What’s your plan for Millennials?

by Katherine Jeffery, PhD There is a huge generational shift taking place in the world. Some find this exhilarating while others are left scratching their heads, not only wondering what happened but also trying frantically to figure out how to stay relevant. Millennials and Gen Z have upset the status...


What’s trending? Slippers that come to you

  Nissan's ProPilot tech will one day be the driving force behind the company's autonomous vehicles, but first, it's all about baby steps. For now, that means using the technology to create self-driving slippers and other objects that stow themselves away when not in use. The sandals are currently being used at...


Building Organizational Trust in an Age of Cynicism

In times of change, the last thing you need to experience—as an employee, a colleague, a corporate leader, or a customer—is the discovery that trust has been violated. Does any of this sound familiar? A person, group or organization has broken a promise. A manufacturer’s work product is not up...

Blog / News/Press

Testing the new growth market 

Although the last year has been one of the most contentious political years in memory, in business there are signs that new policies may be creating a growth environment that will benefit both small and large companies. How do you view the outcomes of the last year, and how they might...

Blog / Branding & Market Views

Is anyone paying attention? The challenge of measuring progress

Valcort Research Report  Over the last 15 years, we have conducted dozens of diagnostic surveys to measure organizational strength on the 35 VALCORT business practices.  The Corporate Alignment and Market Readiness Assessment (CAMeRA) takes a snap shot of how well companies are mastering these practices, as well as the alignment of executive...

Branding & Market Views

What’s your trust quotient?

Trust is important to all of us.  We make judgments related to granting or seeking trust every day. This is as true in business as it is in our personal lives.  Whether a corporate leader, investor, employee, channel partner or a customer, we intuitively determine the questions we should ask...


MADE BY FREE WOMEN®: CAUSEGEAR® works for human justice

Bavishni is a young artisan who is beginning to see stability in her business and life because of good demand for the fashion accessories she is producing. She lives and creates her wares in a rural village in India, but her products are selling around the world.  Today, life is good and...


Creating value: the recipe for growth

To grow your business, the foundational task is to create value.  Creating value is the essence of business. Whether you’re selling consumer products, goods and services from business to business, raising funds for a charity, or recruiting students to attend your college, job one is to create and understand your...


4 top stories that impacted business in 2017

Sexual harassment exposés in the workplace Sexual Harassment is Bad Business.  Now What?  Forbes Sexual harassment and sexual misconduct conversations are finally consuming our dining rooms and our boardrooms. For many of us who have grown up in the corporate world, the stories we hear on the television are not...


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