Is anyone paying attention? The challenge of measuring progress

Valcort Research Report 

Over the last 15 years, we have conducted dozens of diagnostic surveys to measure organizational strength on the 35 VALCORT business practices.  The Corporate Alignment and Market Readiness Assessment (CAMeRA) takes a snap shot of how well companies are mastering these practices, as well as the alignment of executive and functional teams.

The results of every CAMeRA diagnostic are as different as the companies that participate.  But one thing is the same, almost without fail. Of the 35 practices, the one that is most challenging to companies large and small, from manufacturing giants to nonprofit start-ups, is the tracking marketing activities.

In this entry, we ask leaders to rate corporate excellence on the following statement:  “We understand the impact of our advertising, marketing and sales effort on our company’s revenue, our profit, and our customers’ loyalty.”

With a perfect score 100, the average organization rating for this practice is 40!

I just checked the results from a CAMeRA assessment we’re completing this week for a respected manufacturer in the Chicago area.  Sure enough, the score on their tracking of marketing results is the lowest on the list.  But their rating is 47, so they’ve beat the average!

In case you’re wondering, the second worst performer in most studies is another tracking challenge: “We monitor our competitors’ marketing and sales efforts and can identify their strategies, messaging and methods to capture more customers.”  Average score: 42!

Is anyone out there paying attention!

How does your organization measure up?  Let us know if you’d like to talk about a CAMeRA assessment for your company.  Call 630-587-6000, or email: 

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