Twitter me this Batman?

No doubt, Social Media is THE hot topic.

I attended a major conference last week…a top-notch event that I will attend again. What I found quite intriguing was all the real-time tweeting…

The conference had people continually tweeting during each speaker’s presentation. These tweets displayed on gigantic screens located adjacent to the speaker’s presentation screens.

Realizing I have a little ADD, but I found this to be distracting. Moreover, having tweets reiterate what the speaker said or tweets on the room temperature seemed more like entertainment than value. (maybe that was the goal?)

In business, we must find the best way to utilize this media, add value, get people to think differently and create a relationship. This is done first by building trust through shared values, shared vision, assumed responsibility and delivering on promises.

So Batman, did we utilize Twitter in the best way possible? What do you think?

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