NAWLA’s New Claim: Our Wood. Our Bond. Our Future.

There is something rather magical about wood. The beauty, utility, abundance and organic nature of wood is remarkable, and over the last 115 years has created an entire industry of people who nurture, steward, manage, cultivate and promote the wise and expansive use of wood. Founded as The North American Wholesale Lumber Association, or NAWLA, the members within the organization are indeed, remarkable themselves.

Amazingly, the people we’ve talked with in this association are creative, resilient, diligent, independent minded, industrious and entrepreneurial. And these entrepreneurs are unique in that the deals done between these members often transcend the business and become a commitment to the common good of each other and the industry at large. It is an industry where a handshake is a promise, and a promise is a bond to be honored. Over my career, I’ve never seen a culture of such strongly held shared values within a single industry that perpetuate such a common bond. That bond is the fuel that will continue generate new ideas, new partnerships, new opportunities for NAWLA members, I’m certain of it. If wood is their bond, their bond is their future.

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