The Value of Being Creative

For the last three years, we have been exploring Valcort’s 35 Keys to Business Growth–specific practices to advance your business, five each in seven VALCORT disciplines:

V—Values and Vision

A—Assets and Associations

L—Lens on market, customers, and competition





Here are links to all five articles on the Creative discipline:

Why Selling Your Products is a Bad Idea

#4 Have a clear understanding of how each of your products and services relate to the other and to the company as a whole.”

Wings, Beer, Sports and the Art of Perfecting Your Value Proposition

#11 Have a true, simple and clearly worded statement to describe your unique and proven value to customers.

Get the Message?

#18 Create clear and specific messages targeted to each stakeholder (vendor, help employee, shareholder, representative, customer, end user) to help them talk about our company and promote our products and services.

Speaking the Right Language? The Importance of Customer Profiling

#25 Creative advertising, public relations and promotions speak to the customer in a language they understand. It is engaging, consistent, and clearly communicates the unique value you offer.”

The Keys to Successful Corporate Communication

#32 The communication an individual receives from your company is coordinated, specific to customer-type, and relevant to their responsibility and decision-making ability.

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