Category: Blog

Blog / NPOutlook / VALCORT DNA

Assets (Marketing Assets)

The core of growth is the ability to build and nurture trust.   The Four Stages of Trust is the blueprint to guide anyone into a high-trust relationship that creates change and fuels growth.  The Four Stages of Trust are: Shared Values Shared Vision Assumed Responsibility Always delivering on your promise...

Blog / NPOutlook / VALCORT DNA

Are values an acquired taste?

While I enjoy a cup of coffee every day, I know that I need to drink water. Water sustains life, coffee is a substitute, albeit a fine one. Growing up in my father’s house, tea was always the beverage of choice. Now I have to say, my first impression of...

Blog / Branding & Market Views

The scent of a brand.

So you’re talking with a stranger and as you begin to talk, you realize the parallels in your life.  You were here, doing this.  He was in a different place doing something similar.  You attended this concert, and he attended the same event in a different city.  You share some...

Blog / Branding & Market Views / NPOutlook

Who cares about values?

Values are the ground-zero of decision making.  We purchase based on what we value.  We sacrifice time, money and resources to have what we value. Values are the heart motivation that cause people to make choices and take action.  They are based on beliefs or ideals about what is good...


Can Lance Armstrong Live Strong?

Lance Armstrong came clean and admitted that he had lied, bullied and annihilated people for the cause of winning sports events.  Call it self-preservation, if you will, but it became apparent that to him that winning is not worth compromising everything. In fact, as the stories unraveled, it became apparent...


Co-branding for Distributors create new sales activity

Wholesalers today are facing both great opportunity and difficult choices. If wholesalers/distributors can’t create new value, new products, new programs to introduce into the market, the stagnancy of the crawling economy will mean further operational cuts. The opportunity for wholesalers is to take the initiative and forge a new, different...


NAWLA’s New Claim: Our Wood. Our Bond. Our Future.

There is something rather magical about wood. The beauty, utility, abundance and organic nature of wood is remarkable, and over the last 115 years has created an entire industry of people who nurture, steward, manage, cultivate and promote the wise and expansive use of wood. Founded as The North American...


Twitter me this Batman?

No doubt, Social Media is THE hot topic. I attended a major conference last week…a top-notch event that I will attend again. What I found quite intriguing was all the real-time tweeting… The conference had people continually tweeting during each speaker’s presentation. These tweets displayed on gigantic screens located adjacent...


Could Toyota Salvage its Image with a Logo Refresh?

Toyota has beefed up their advertising in Q1 of 2010 with the hope of off setting some of the hot press surrounding their recalls. The automotive giant is still reeling from the recall of their Avalon, Camry, Highlander Hybrid, Highlander, Prius, Truck, Corolla, Matrix, and Venza product lines. The consumer outcry has...


QR codes can track your direct mail

The QR code technology, created in 1994 by the Japanese company Denso-Wave, is revolutionizing the advertising marketplace on a global scale. You will see this technology all over Asia but it just starting to gain traction in the US market. QR codes are a 2 dimensional bar code that enables the creator...


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