The Valcort Marketing Blog

Gain valuable insight on everything from branding to effectively measuring progress from our collection of marketing blogs.


Eight reasons why your business may not be growing

You know you need to grow.  You need to innovate. And you need to change. But how?  To what? What’s blocking your growth? Lack of internal trust? Missing a robust sales pipeline? Unable to sell value? A resistant culture? Misallocation of resources? Missing or outdated strategy? Misalignment with a changing...

Blog / Branding & Market Views

A Leader’s Secret Sauce – Heinz Kohut’s secret for leading change

Creating business transformation and market growth Heinz Kohut, noted 20th century psychologist and behaviorist, gave us insight into leading people to change. He, along with his colleagues and peers, found the old adage to be true:  “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink.” Unfortunately,...


CTCreative Now The Valcort Group, Adds services to Innovative VALCORT Strategic Growth Methodology

Creates New Brand Marketing Agency, Launches Nonprofit Practice St. Charles, IL – February 27, 2013 – CTCreative, a business development and creative branding company, announced today significant changes that are intended to better serve its clients.  Most notably, CTCreative is now The Valcort Group to better represent its move over...

Blog / NPOutlook / VALCORT DNA

The CEO’s new glasses (Lens of the Market)

One of the most difficult tasks in leadership is pointing the ship and keeping it focused every day, week, month and year, upon reaching a critical destination. To review: Having a clear understanding the values and vision of the organization (V of VALCORT) is essential for creating trust and getting...

Blog / NPOutlook / VALCORT DNA

Assets (Marketing Assets)

The core of growth is the ability to build and nurture trust.   The Four Stages of Trust is the blueprint to guide anyone into a high-trust relationship that creates change and fuels growth.  The Four Stages of Trust are: Shared Values Shared Vision Assumed Responsibility Always delivering on your promise...

Blog / NPOutlook / VALCORT DNA

Are values an acquired taste?

While I enjoy a cup of coffee every day, I know that I need to drink water. Water sustains life, coffee is a substitute, albeit a fine one. Growing up in my father’s house, tea was always the beverage of choice. Now I have to say, my first impression of...

Blog / Branding & Market Views

The scent of a brand.

So you’re talking with a stranger and as you begin to talk, you realize the parallels in your life.  You were here, doing this.  He was in a different place doing something similar.  You attended this concert, and he attended the same event in a different city.  You share some...

Blog / Branding & Market Views / NPOutlook

Who cares about values?

Values are the ground-zero of decision making.  We purchase based on what we value.  We sacrifice time, money and resources to have what we value. Values are the heart motivation that cause people to make choices and take action.  They are based on beliefs or ideals about what is good...


Can Lance Armstrong Live Strong?

Lance Armstrong came clean and admitted that he had lied, bullied and annihilated people for the cause of winning sports events.  Call it self-preservation, if you will, but it became apparent that to him that winning is not worth compromising everything. In fact, as the stories unraveled, it became apparent...


Co-branding for Distributors create new sales activity

Wholesalers today are facing both great opportunity and difficult choices. If wholesalers/distributors can’t create new value, new products, new programs to introduce into the market, the stagnancy of the crawling economy will mean further operational cuts. The opportunity for wholesalers is to take the initiative and forge a new, different...


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