The Valcort Group is a business development and strategic marketing consultancy. Through our proprietary VACORT® strategic process, we help corporate leaders diagnose business disciplines, build market strength and develop their brands.

BUSINESS transformation An in-depth analysis of your organization‘s stengthens, weaknesses and growth opportunity to create a roadmap for sustainable growth. LEARN MORE
BUSINESS diagnostics Gain valuable insight intoyour company with proprietarybusiness diagnostics and startthe path to real growth. LEARN MORE
BUSINESS growth mapping To grow effectively, you needto walk through preparation andplanning stages with proven tools and expertguides to help navigate the challenges. LEARN MORE
STRATEGIC marketing Our core principles for reliable, effective,strategic marketing include, truth alwaysbuilds trust, values drive choice, and people seek purpose. LEARN MORE
BRAND building Shared values are the cornerstoneto building trust and brand advocacy. Wehelp you reveal these brand values in yourprograms, products, sales people and more. LEARN MORE
CHANGE management For organizations to grow, they mustchange, but change can bringapprehension. We provide a framework toengage employees and key stakeholders. LEARN MORE

Valcort‘s integrated marketing and communication strategy and tactical execution were right on the mark.We had one shot at the largest product and positioning rollout. Timelines and budgets were tight. They nailed it!

— Group VP of Sales and Marketing, Automotive Manufacturer

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